
Workplace racism is ruining Black people’s mental health, survey finds

Living through the Covid-19 pandemic has made it more likely that people from a minority ethnic background have experienced racism or other events that have harmed their mental health.

Almost half (45 per cent) of Black people living in Britain have experienced racism at work, a new survey has revealed.

This is compared with one quarter (26 per cent) of East Asian workers, 23 per cent of employees of South Asian background, and 24 per cent of mixed-race workers.

Over half (56 per cent) of those employees who reported they have suffered racism at work said it had negatively impacted their mental health and wellbeing.

The findings have been published in a new research report entitled Mental Health and Race At Work commissioned by the City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA), in partnership with Lloyds Banking Group.

Informed by insights from an extensive YouGov survey assessing the impact of mental health at work, the study lays bare the havoc wreaked upon workplace wellbeing by racism and Covid-19.

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